Sometimes I have opportunities to sit in my recliner and stitch away, but most of the time we are on the go–yet lots of my time is spent sitting and waiting. I’ve found the best way to pass the time is to take my project with me. Unless I am going somewhere dirty, I take it with me nearly everywhere. Even if I don’t work on the entire trip, those little bits help finish a project.
My son is 9 — not old enough to be alone at the amusement park, but old enough to want to go with a friend (don’t worry–we went with family last month and I rode rides with him, but this time he wanted to take a friend.)
This meant I would spend the day waiting in the shade at the exit to each ride. Normally that would be annoying, but I was actually excited to see how much embroidery I could get done.
One important thing I’ve learned: Keep your hands and your project clean! What you might not notice as a greasy spot now, will show up over time. So I always wash my hands before I begin. A sink isn’t always handy, so I keep a few of these quick wipes in my bag. And no food anywhere around my projects.