Trick or Treat (pattern & kit) is available at Midway Wool.

Using SP5, stem stitch all of the window lines except the header and middle split of door.  For the header and middle split of the door, use a whipped chain stitch. Make the lines slightly crooked to add to the spookiness.

Peaks on roofs: Using a #8 thread, create woven picot 3 spoke peaks, 4 per side & 3 on top. Keep them skinny.  Leave gaps between them.  It adds to the spookiness.

Balconies and porches: Use SP5. All pillars are Hungarian braided chain with a square start and stop. For more details on the Hungarian Braided chain (including the square start and stop, see this post.

Left porch has detached chain at the base of pillars to make it wider & straight stitch on top.

Handrails are whipped chain stitch on main floor. 

Balcony railing (upper left) is whipped chain stitch. Vertical lines are stem stitch.

Handrail on upper right balcony is stem stitch.

Large Roof

Mark across the top: 1/2 wide, 1/4 inch deep dots for alignment

(ignore those squiggles in the upper right hand corner, I cut those off.)

Using SP5 sew cast on stitches with 26 cast ons. Start at the bottom row. Always begin on the right. Don’t pull too tight: make it cover the tips of the row below. Tack as necessary. Backstitch the sides and top of the roof.

Top roof: using size 5, fly stitch two curved lines from bottom to top. Backstitch around roof.

Bottom right porch roof: Backstitch around 3 sides. Backstitch 2 rows. Weave loosely. 

Bottom left porch roof: Backstitch around 3 sides. 3 rows of fly stitches vertical. 

Now onto the LEFT house.