Building K topper is velvet. Velvet can be embossed with a polka dot design. See this post for details.

Always check the pattern corrections page for changes.

Arrange all of the pieces on your background and pin them down before you begin appliquéing. Some pieces are tucked under other pieces.


Use SP5 to sew the sashiko stitches.  (Trace the sashiko design onto press & seal, place it on the fabric and sew just the cross stitches.  REMOVE THE PRESS & SEAL.  Stitch the rest of the design), backstitch windows and edges. Wrapped with double champagne seed beads. (Wait to sew left side until Blocks 2 & 3 are sewn together.) Sew the backstitches just barely onto Block K.

Don’t forget! Velvet top: French knots 3 wraps.

Building L:

This was actually the first building I did the sashiko on, then I went back and did the others. So I have more instruction photos for this one.

Using SP5 Old Lace Stitch the sashiko design (Trace the design onto press & seal. YOU ONLY NEED the diagonal lines going up and 3 of the vertical lines.

  Place it on wool.  

Sew just the upward  diagonal lines and  one vertical line down the middle and one on each edge.  This is the image before I sewed the vertical lines:

REMOVE THE PRESS & SEAL, stitch the remainder of the design) . Tips for stitching the remainder of the design. Do the vertical lines first. Notice how they interrupt the diagonal lines? Then the diagonal down lines interrupt the horizontal lines. Backstitch edge.

Red stripe: Cotton Ribbon Floss. Ruched and tacked down. Windows & door: chain stitch with SP5, whip with SP10.

Sand & Tree:

Complete the same as Block 1.