Always check the pattern corrections page for changes.

Match the two pieces of the Sand pattern in the same way as block 1.

Arrange all of the pieces on your background and pin them down before you begin appliquéing. Some pieces are tucked under other pieces.

TIP: Fold down the top edge of your background. It sort of makes the piece smaller and easier to work with. I use either long pins or binder clips to hold the fold.


Using Oriental Linen, backstitch along right edge (wait to do the left edge until blocks 1 & 2 are sewn together). Bullion knots around windows 1 row. Bullion knots around door, 2 rows, off-set to look like rocks/bricks.  Bullion knots across top edge: 3 rows offset to look like stones. Leave slightly more than 1/4 inch for seam and to be filled in later.  

Dome: Chain stitch around the top of the dome with SP5.  Fill the ovals with beads.  Begin around the outside edge.  

Come up through wool, thread 2 beads, go back down through wool and come up between the beads.  Go through bead #2 and thread two more beads, go down, come back up between the two new beads, go through bead #2 and thread 2 more beads, etc.  Fill the entire space on all 4 ovals. 


Using a disappearing marker, mark off dots for a ½ inch grid on the entire building beginning at the upper right hand corner.  (see my light blue dots?)

Sew 4 lazy daisy stitches with the outside tips meeting at the marked corners.  In the centers of each diamond, sew a gold seed bead.  Using the same thread, sew a whipped backstitch across the top and down the right side, as well as around the windows.


For the dome: Using 4mm ribbon, randomly make 12 French knot/woven flowers (wrap 3 times—like a french knot) about 3 inches from fabric, then run needle in and out of ribbon, pull through fabric where needle came out to make rose.)

Doors and windows: chain stitch with Oriental Linen. Whipped with silken pearl.

Outside edge: backstitch with oriental linen. Whipped with silken pearl.

Red Stripe: Cretan stitch with SP5. Add Red bugle beads between stitches.  Do not add beads in the ¼ seam allowance.

Green stripe: SP5 Breton stitch. Add green bugle beads in the openings.  Do not add beads in the ¼ seam allowance.


Using Oriental Linen, stitch a grid.  (Because of the nature of the Oriental Linen, I did not use press and seal to mark this one, I just used pins and a ruler to mark the lines)  Use SP5 to tack it down with tiny backstitches.

Backstitch the border & around the windows with the Strawflower.

Topper: SP5 Old Lace: running stitch with small gaps between stitches. Double weave with old lace to make ‘circles’. 

Add pearl seed beads by stitching directly over the running stitches.


No embellishment, just let that velvet shine through.


Using Aurora, (Because of the nature of the Aurora, I did not use press and seal to mark this one, I just used pins and a ruler to mark the lines.) Sew alternating cross stitches. Tip:  Sew all of the horizontal lines on the entire building, then go back and add the vertical lines, like typical Sashiko.  Stem stitch around the outside of the building. Couch double strand of aurora w/aurora around windows.

Topper: Using SP5, fancy buttonhole filling stitch, backstitch around the topper.  Tip: use pins to keep the fancy buttonhole stitch rows even.


Using Oriental Linen, chain stitch along the edge.


I recommend waiting to attach the star until the crèche has been appliqued so the star lines up perfectly. If you ordered a kit through Midway Wool, you may not have enough wool. I made a mistake in my measuring. You will get enough before you need it with blocks 5&6.

(Wait until 2, 3, 5 & 6 have all been stitched together…these instructions will be repeated with photos in the “finishing” post)

Appliqué the star in place directly over the peak of the crèche roof, 1 ½ inches down from the top edge of the wool. Outline with Eleganza using a whipped backstitch, stitching one full stitch past the star wool tips. Whip that end stitch going both directions.

Add running stitches radiating out from the star. Begin at the outside end so that the ends will have full stitches and end smoothly.

As always, if you have any questions, please email me: