Creating Brings Joy

Showing: 79 RESULTS
Butterfly Garden

Butterfly Garden: Block 2

Most of block 2 is a continuation of the same foliage as block 1. The exceptions are the caterpillar and butterfly which will address below.Just some in progress shots: Here is a close up of the caterpillar. And if you don’t have the red thread at this point, no worries. It can easily be added …

Butterfly Garden

Butterfly Garden: Corrections & FAQ

Corrections will be noted here: Frequently Asked Questions: * How do I cut the background? See this post.* My blue ribbons look very similar, did I get the right thing? YES! The ribbon is dyed in a mottled fashion to add to the realism of the Hydrangeas. The “medium” is slightly darker, but there will …

Mittens Stitch A Long

Mitttens 1 & 2

Yay! Our first 2 mittens. Each week I’ll have an introductory video plus videos for new stitches. You’ll find this week’s introductory video HERE. And here is the video for the Double Open Buttonhole Stitch: And here is the video for the Diamond Stitch: