How many WIPs (work in progress) can you have at one time? Let’s not count my other crafts, just wool applique projects I am in the middle of (because there are at least 4 planned/shopped/kits in the closet that I haven’t even begun).

During this ‘stay at home’ time, I thought i would get a TON of work done. Turns out homeschooling takes more time than I thought and online grocery shopping is complicated (limited hours and quantities).

So I have been rotating every other day or so between the projects I am working on.

Oh Little Town of Bethlehem

I am doing this one as a stitch along for anyone local who wants to join us. Officially we are supposed to be on Block 5/6, but I will work on whatever block they are working on. We’ve been on hold since the beginning of the quarantine, but we will hopefully start up again by July.


By bedtime tonight I will have finished block 8 (of 10). Getting so close I can almost taste it! This is my favorite quilt from Kerry Green. I did the block of the month with Midway Wool. Fabulous wools. Beautiful stitch designs.

Toned Down Circle Sampler

Except mine isn’t ‘toned down’. Sue Spargo is doing a daily circle project for 90 days. This image is through yesterday: Day 58. I am learning a TON. Mostly about choosing colors (contrast, value, etc). And how to cram a TON of tiny stitches in a 1 inch circle. This one matches my studio, so I can hang it on the wall when it is complete.


I’ve been drooling over Sue Spargo’s Homegrown since she revealed it last fall. I think it is that gorgeous periwinkle border! My sweet husband gave it to me as a Mother’s Day Gift (guess he wants to go golfing a lot for Father’s Day. LOL!) All of the needle turn is a little intimidating, but I am going to consider it an opportunity to learn and improve. I got the first 3 houses ready to embellish this week.

Butterfly Sampler

Bluprint (formerly Craftsy) had free access to classes for a week or so in the middle of the quarantine. I watched and rewatched Sue Spargo’s class over and over (and in the end ended up buying it). So shortly before I ordered Homegrown, I started collecting what I needed to make the butterfly sampler from her class. This week I put together the background. Now I need too cut out all of those butterflies!

And a Sneak Peek…

This is a sneak peek of a design I am currently working on. I am simultaneously making 2 of them so I can keep one and Midway Wool will have one to display at the store. Much of my designing has been pushed o the back burner. It turns out I don’t design well when I am stressed and this stay-at-home time has been more stressful than I expected. But that is ok. There is always plenty of time to finish projects.